As Ali's mom, I know only too well the difficulties in obtaining quality, effective treatment for OCD. The options for treatment are limited and the options that are available are extremely expensive. It is no surprise why there are so many individuals battling OCD. I am hoping that the additional information that is provided surrounding OCD will result in more quality, affordable treatment options.
The lack of information and the stigma surrounding OCD creates a barrier around treatment. The general public has many false ideas regarding OCD and they think you can just stop the behavior. "Why can't you just walk away?" "Why can't you distract yourself and go do something different?" I myself have even said those words to Ali, not understanding the extreme and difficult battles raging within her. It has taken Ali months of intensive therapy to return back to simple daily activities and her life as a whole.
I am hopeful that this website will assist in getting additional and accurate information regarding OCD out to the general public; and as a result, creating more options for quality and affordable treatment.
Everyone with OCD deserves that chance.
Thank you Maia! Iām so proud of you both and want to support you guys however I can. š
You speak to SO many important barriers here, which are sadly incredibly common. The limited information out there has truly prevented many people from seeking help, and negatively impacted the quality, availability, and affordability of treatment. And, HUGE shoutout to you for recognizing and owning those times when your own lack of understanding may have impacted Ali, and actively learning and participating in how you can best support her! You set a great example for others who have loved ones with OCD.